Whiplash in Eagle Idaho

When your neck is violently and abruptly yanked back and forth, you can get a whiplash injury. Moving forward, backward, or side to side can cause it. Along with the bones in the spine and spinal discs, whiplash harms the muscles, nerves, ligaments, and connective tissues in the neck and upper back.

Even though it appears to be a harmless condition compared to the harm to your car, it must be addressed as soon as it is diagnosed. People who allow acute pain to linger frequently experience more severe and protracted symptoms than those who can receive rapid treatment.

The position of the headrest in your car frequently affects how loud a thunderclap sounds. Because it can operate as a catapult in the event of a collision, a lower location typically results in symptoms that are more severe. Your head will be forced forward with enough force in a crash at 10 mph to cause symptoms.

What are the Whiplash symptoms?

Whip injuries can in a variety of severity levels, from minor to highly serious. Too-low headrests frequently result in serious injuries. When unpleasant sound is combined with low-pitched headphones, tissue injury or fractures could result. It is crucial to see an orthopedist in a scenario like this for an X-ray and a thorough evaluation. You may still experience a crash in the event of a collision, no matter how slight it may be, if you encounter any of the symptoms listed below:

  • Neck stiffness and pain
  • Moving causes pain to worsen
  • Starting at the base of the skull headaches
  • Neck with less range of motion
  • Tired
  • Arms feel tingly
  • Shoulders and upper back pain
  • Difficulty paying attention
  • Unsteadiness or faintness
  • Fuzzy eyes
  • Insomnia
  • Hearing ringing

Whiplash can cause a wide range of symptoms, and if you put off treatment for weeks after an accident, it may be challenging to recognize them all when they reappear. Even after receiving "excellent advise" from your doctor, whiplash may still require additional therapy. It is crucial to get the spine checked as soon as possible after an accident. Your best chance of avoiding long-term consequences is prompt wound care.

Whiplash in Eagle, Idaho

The majority of whiplash injuries result in harm to the spine, nerves, and tissues, therefore seeking treatment from a chiropractor is a wise choice. A chiropractor can locate the source of pain from a whiplash injury and create a successful treatment plan if they have the expertise and abilities to do so. The chiropractor uses gentle, non-invasive methods of treatment. People can complete a full recovery and have long-lasting relief from their symptoms with exact and cautious changes. To find out more about the advantages of chiropractic care and how it can assist you in recovering from your whiplash injury in Eagle Idaho, contact our staff at Ideal Spine Health Center right away.

See More About Us:

  • Address: 950 E Riverside Dr, Eagle, ID 83616, United States Phone: +1 2089392502


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